I dedicate this next post to one of my greatest friends alive, a fellow recovering fast food addict, Melissa Perrea. I love you Mel!
I need to confess something. I am a recovering fast food addict.. Oh my god, did I know that it was bad for me, yes. Did I know I was throwing away money on something so inherently unhealthy, yes. Did I know I was increasing my odds for heart disease and diabetes, yes. Did I know that I was contributing to the nation’s obesity epidemic, yes. Did I care? Not on your life. Oh what a number one combo, super sized wouldn’t do for me. It wasn’t just fast food, I ate out a lot, almost every meal (yes even breakfast), the greasier and the more fattening the better. But that was when it was just me, living life large. Then I got pregnant. For the most part I cut my fast food binges out (I did have a few preggo infused binges but not that many). I knew it wasn’t just my health I was ruining, but that of my unborn child’s. I even went so far as to cutting out high fructose corn syrup, meats with hormones in it and went all organic. I was eating the most healthy I had ever eaten, and I was feeling great! I vowed to keep the momentum up after I was pregnant. By god, I was going to.
Then I gave birth and the reality of just what a new mom is and does hit. And fast food wormed its way into my life once again. Oh the convenience! Oh those French fries! Oh that number one combo had been calling my name for so long. Then at 7 months Walter began to become aware of his surroundings (oh object permanence!). And he started observing me eat food from the brown, grease stained bags. What’s worse, he wanted some. This was unacceptable. So I had a decision to make....
And what exactly did I decide you wonder? I kicked the greasy, brown bag to the curb for once and all. My health and the health of my family is way more important than the few empty moments of enjoyment I have from those golden brown, fried to perfection french fries. I prepare AND eat (I still eat out occasionally) all foods that are good for Walter, so if he wants a bite I can cut up whatever I’m eating and feed it to him guilt free. I try and adhere as closely as possible to a whole food diet. There is the occasional side of fries I order, but it is a special occasion and never from a fast food joint.
I like your articles!
I miss our fast food days but it is for the better. I drive by wendys and still crave a spicy chicken sandwich with fries. Thanks for the blog. Keep it up I love reading them. Xoxo
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